Case study

Belli Park property fencing


Our company was approached by a client who had purchased property at Belli Park and wanted to upgrade all of the fencing for their horses. The client requested black post and rail (two rail) fencing for their property. The client stated they had found it challenging to find an experienced contractor who could do the work to the quality and high-end finish they required.


The client had a large, sloping acreage property which required careful planning to ensure fences and gates remained uniform in keeping with the high-end look of the property. The property was also required to be split into a number of smaller paddocks, all easy to access from a central passageway to allow vehicles and large machinery access to all areas for easy maintenance. Water was also required to be accessible from each paddock.


We thoroughly analysed the site and developed a plan to suit the owner’s needs whilst taking full advantage of the large area of pasture for equine grazing.

The team organised all materials to be delivered to site in a coordinated manner, so once started, the fencing could be completed in a timely manner. 

We then built the paddock fencing as per the plan, upon completion having built approximately 700 lineal metres of post and rail fencing. These fences were then painted in black anti-crib paint and finished with solar-powered electric fencing.

We then dug trenches and ran water to taps in all paddocks.  



The client had strong, sturdy and beautifully finished paddocks for their horses within a matter of weeks. The layout of the paddocks made it easier for the owner to care for their horses and they were better able to rotate stock and rest paddocks in line with best practice paddock management.



Comprehensive Equine successfully helped the client by building quality and safe equine fencing, in a timely manner. The paddocks were built to the client’s specifications and the client was extremely happy with the result of their property fencing.